Expansion and contraction

Shape Thoughts Index

Rising and falling of breath, growth and decline, day and night, summer and winter, etc. Gives rise to a type of metaphor that is time-based rather than spatial.

Importance of breath in Sufism, depicted in complex octagonal geometric pattern.

Oscillation between order and chaos (Empedocles eris and eros, alchemy, evolutionary biology). Natural oscillation between Dao and dual world contained in the chi (Liu Ming). Oscillation between the nameable and the unnamed (Weird Studies Podcast).


Unmeṣa and nimeṣa, meaning rising and falling, expansion and contraction, appearance and dissapearance, or experiences with eyes open and closed. An important concept in Kashmir Saivism.

The nature of this note situation is that some of the notes will always be extremely unfinished.
Questions? Comments? Write to me at lauradawngyre@gmail.com (or @me).